lunes, 26 de abril de 2010
feeding time.
domingo, 25 de abril de 2010
Death of a child essay.
Death of a child essay.
Loosing someone you love is very painful. After a loss of someone you may experience all kinds of emotions.Grieving is a personal experience, how you grieve depends on lots of factors. Many people strart feeling better in weeks and other people in months.Childs are not suppost to die, parents expect to see them grow and mature.Parents expect to die first and to let their childs alife not seeing their childs die. Many childrens die because of many reasons and in that reasons their parents are implicated. When parent dies you loose anything just the past of then but when their son dies they loose their future and their family chain and also kills the dreams of parents of seeing you as a proffesional. When a parent son dies parents fills that a part of them has been die also and it said that the dead of a son is the most intense grief known. Scientific said that child grief is a long and painful process that it affects more to the mother of the child than the father of the child.The death of child is not always the fault of their parents because it could be killed by any disease or an car accident or a nature death, But in some cases their is the fault of the child, like let in him alone in the car or not taking care of him as he deserve. A grief is a natural response to a loss like death of pet, losing your job,a relationship breakup, loosing financial and more. But the bigger loss is having one of your son dead. The grief has five stages: denial:he cant believe what happened to him. Anger: who is the blame and why is this happening. Bargaining: make that not to happend. Depression: the person is to tired to make anything. Acceptance: he accept what happend. Grief can be called more as a roller coaster because it full of ups and down.
Thier are many symptoms of grief like sadnees, guilt,anger, fear, and physical symptons. When a son yours die you should start by accepting that feeling sad, guilt, anger, fear is normal and would help you accept that your son is gone and you cannt do anything to bring him back. Lots of people had take their life because they cant support or live without your son so its important that you look for friends that could help you or a specialist doctor who could give you some medicine to maintain you stable. Other thing people make is getting stonger on his religion and telling about his problem to lot of people because he need to feel love by others also you should take care of yourself to forget what should be stay on the past.You shoul face your feeling and express then to you and other people.
People who pass by the death of a son had psychological effects like disbelive what happend, they dont accept what happend because it is really hard to accepted, people can know a person is dead but they still are expecting that they could still come back and reappear. People also feel sadness, is the most universaly symptom people have they fell very lonely, empty,sad and people also cry alot because they feel unstable. People also felt guilt about things that you didnt do, said or about things you could change, you could also feel guilty about things you could do to prevent the death of someone and their is nothing to do. They also feel anger with yourself, god, the doctors and all the people who was involved and also with the person who die because of letting him alone. People also feel fear, anxious, helpless and insecure. People could also have physical symptoms like nausea,weight loss or weigth gain, pains and insomnia. The wort of all is that people could felt in drugs to forget their pain and that would take him diretly to severous problems or his own death.
When should you look help imediatly. You should look for help when you feel life isnt worth living, wish you have die, when you blame youself for the death, are unable to perform your normal daily activites, are having difficult trusting others, all this is when you would need to look for help with someone who really know how to help you in the moment and in the future. Their is a different between grief and depression, a grief is a roller coaster that you have good days and bad days and a depression is constant.
Lot of women sufer when their son dies and it is know that 69% of women sufer more than mans when they loose a son, this could be because the son come from the bellie of the mothers so their are part of them and they are like connected when they are in and when they are older so that is why woman feel a undescriptable grief. The mother who kill his son because of any reason is not a normal human or a human because that means they dont have feelings or a hearth. When a mother loss a child he could pass that stress to his other childrens and she could be traumatized of giving birth to other childs. But this doent happend to all mothers just to few mothers, but the grief could be for the rest of your life until you die. Sometimes the parents of the childs could become crazy and loose all their money because of their crazyness and they could lived with hate to doctors, people and also god so in a moment they would take out all that hate in a negative way.
As a conclusion the most affected people when a child die is his or her parents and more his mother. This people could never stop suffering but most of the people get to lived accepting the true. So the grief of the death of a child is the most painful grief of all of types of grief and pain. I felt really grief when my son die and still i couldnt lived with my mine free, it could be because i was a divorce parent and my child was dead when he was 2 years old so i gave him lot of my love and he gave me lot of his love, we pass lot of fun time. R.I.P Julito Jr.
getting 15 years old
Today my big son would be 15 years old if and only he wasnt dont dead.
By this time he would be really mature for getting out alone to celebrate his birthday with his friends. That would make me a permissive parent, by this age he would be stronger than me, but not bigger than me he would be intelligent and he would have already develope his cognitive development already. By the age of 15 he would already have a nice girlfriend and he also would have decided a 70% his own identity because you stablish your identity when you are at university. All this would happend if and only julito jr. was dont dead. By this time he would be finishing his puberty time and he would soon be a real man but not with all responsabilities.
challenges that a teen parent might have?
·being lonely
·not studying for university or school
·going to work
·taking care of the child
· they want to go to party when they have a child to take care.
·fights with his parents
· not take care well of their child
· loosing their child to take away of the problem
·Dont love their childs
· to much pressure for them
·being hate from the society
·being the mouth of everyone so they get stress
· not having enough money to maintain his child.
· quiting school
· not being prepare to have a child ( physical and emotional)
Estimated cost of raising a child from birth to adulthood
Estimated cost of raising a child from birth to adulthood
The cost of raising julito jr from birth to adulthood would be aproximately:
500,000 dollars putting everything in their and that would be and average.
If school cost 7,000 you multiply by 12 of the numbers of the months and then x 18 because of the years of your son.
so only this gives me 1,512,000 lempiras, with out counting food, clothe, extra, and other neccesities.
diapers: 2,500
food: 5,000
clothe: 5,000
house: it depends an average is 20,000
school: 7,000
objects to take care of a baby like, feeding bottle: 4,700
average montly = 57,200
My son wants to go to a party
He is know 13 and he is getting muscle....
Julito jr. is know 13 years old by this time if he still live he would ask me for more money to take to school, to partys and more clothes.
By this age julito jr. would be more popular in his school, he would start making things to be popular. He also would be really competitive with his friends in games and lot of more things.
He would be more involve in problems at school because of his changing his attitude toward to be a popular boy who girls would want to be.
Probably he would start forming his identity maybe a bad identity or a good identity but most probably a good identity.
adolescence starts, he would be 12 years old
Adolescence starts, he would be 12 years old
Julito Jr. would be 12 years old today if he wasnt dead, he would be more mature, he would be taller, he would start the puberty. His voice would change, he would have more hair in his body, he would be starting to pass more time with his friends. Julito jr. would start having ejaculation . In that age they start having girlfriends but still nothing serious.
Today he would be celebrating his 11 birthday
Hello, today is the 11 birthday of my child and he is getting older and mature. Today he would be going to his first soccer game, he plays the role of captain in his team so that means he is really a good leader. Julito jr. score one goal to the other team and that was the goal that his team needed to win the cup, i felt so happily as him. this story would probably happend if and only julito wasnt dead. By this time julito would have change his physical development, he would be stronger, his voice would start changing, he would start making more exercise.
My baby would be 10 years old today...
Finally 9 years old and changing his attitude.
Finally 9 years old and changing his attitude.
Julito jr. would be having problems with his hormones by this time, he would be changing his attittude and would be acting more rebel. He would refuse to do things that he would normally make before he get his hormones revolve. I wouldnt be nervous because of his changing of attitude because that attittude it only for a litttle time and i have alreasy pass in that moment.
By this age julito jr. would found his identity he would have more time for himslef and time for knowing him.
In this age he would be passing by a stage know as the concrete operational stage. In this stage he would use more critical thinking and by this time the egocentrism comes back to them. This would happend if and only julito jr. wasnt dead.
Finally 8 years old and more stronger
My child would be 8 years old by this time if and only he wasnt dead. By this time julito jr. would have more developed his cognitive development.
By this time julito jr. would show us that he could solve problems with out fighting so that means that he is using the preconventional morality. He would be bully by other boys at school or anywhere and he wouldnt get into a fight because he would be getting mature and he would be using well his brain.If and only I would get out to the mall or a restarunt with my son i would have a conversation with him telling him that he would get a negative reinforcement if he behaves bad and a positive reinforcement if he behaves well.
6 Years old and his tantrums....
Hello, by this time julito jr, would be 6 years old and he would be strarting to ask for more things that he would likes, for example: toys, foods, magazines and etc... By this time childrens start to see more tv and to understand more the programs they see and acting more as the tv shows they see.
If he would have a tantrum in the airport and in front of everyone I would be sad and I would take him to the bathroom and talk with him about the consequences that he won with that attitude and their are punishment like not seeing tv, playing with his toys, sleeping with the light of his bedroom on and more.
What I would never make on a situation like that is giving him what he want because then he would understand that if he cries he would get want he wants. Also I would never ignore him and let him crying at the floor.
This is my opinion because julito jr. is dead and this could happend if and only he wasnt dead.
lunes, 19 de abril de 2010
5 years old and a fight for a bottle of water
Julito jr. would be finally 5 years old and between that ages boys and girls are egocentric they dont lend anything and they get into stupid figths like fighting for a bottle of water. If julito jr. would be fighting for a water bottle i wouls solve this problem by having a conversation with him and showing him that figthing is not a good thing to do and that he needs to lend his things and oter things because maybe the other guy can have something that you like and he wouldnt lended to you.
Potty training
Julito would be able to know what does it feel when you are going to the bathroom, so I would show him to go to the bathroom by saying number one if he want to go make pipi so a would take him to the bathroom or said number 2 when he wants to make pupu so i would take him to the bathroom, next time he wants to go to the bathroom i would only open the door of the bathroom and he would make it alone and the last time i would said( okay go) and he would go. I would show him to go to the potty only being sitting down and then he could invent his new ways of doingit.
Julito Jr. would be 4 years old
Julito jr. would be finally 4 years old and he would be ready for going to school. I was planing to put Julito jr. to EIS but he is dead also I was going to be and authoritative parent because Iam a single parent so julito would need lot of love. I would demand julito good grades but i woul explained him why. Being a permissive parent is not good in some cases because the world is to big for your child and it has lot of problems that your child could get in. A authoritarian is not good because if iam always angry with julito and only puting him rules he would be sad and we wouldnt have a parent to son conversation.
Julito would be 3 years old
Julito jr. is know dead and he would be 2 years old if he was alife
Julito jr. is dead..:( He would be 2 years old
Julito jr. is dead so if julito jr. would have 2 years old he would be strarting the sensorimotor stage. julito jr would represents ideas with pictures and objects like if he is hungry he would touch a bottle or a can of milk etc... If Julito jr. wasnt dead he would learn that he could make things move by banging them and hanging them, he could also me able to meditate because it important to the child development.
julito jr. is know 1 year old
Today julito is one year old and I had divorce from my wife because she was to irresponsible so Iam a lonely parent.
Julito jr. is know developing some motors developments, he is already walking and using more types of toys. My son had a normal cognitive thinking because I maid him some experiments and the results were that his cognitive thinking its okk. My kid its always thinking, he is always playing, "talking".My child had developed shcemas to make sense of the world. My don is assimilating different shcemas, like yesterday he confused a cat with a dog.
martes, 13 de abril de 2010
Its julito jr.
By the age of 6 month in the stomach of daniela the baby had all ready all his organs and it looked beautiful as his father and mom. In all the nine months I had to be attent that daniela didnt consume any teratogens or maybe like not letting her to go to the bars, or restaurants that people could smoke because smoke it really harmful for my baby and to his health.
Finally the most waited day came, it was a nice morning the sun was shinning, the birds were singing and everything was all right, when Daniela started having some feelings in her stomach, immediately I turn on the car grab my wallet and grab daniela. I was really nervous because daniela was crying in the car during the way to the hospital, ohhhh what day. My little son was finally born and they gaved it to me, i couldnt grab it cause of my nervous and my hapinness. Its was a boy, i love it because i wanted a boy. Julito jr. was born.
When we were designing the nursery we thought of safety issues. Babies are really fragile so they need to have a safe place were they can play and to lots things safety of problems. Julito jr. could easily die if he felts of his bed or of the stairs because he is so fragile like a flower or more.
Day of birth: 6/04/10
Hour: 6:27 a.m.
Hospital: Hospital del Valle
Weight: 7.23 pounds
Sex: Boy
Dimensions: 22