Death of a child essay.
Loosing someone you love is very painful. After a loss of someone you may experience all kinds of emotions.Grieving is a personal experience, how you grieve depends on lots of factors. Many people strart feeling better in weeks and other people in months.Childs are not suppost to die, parents expect to see them grow and mature.Parents expect to die first and to let their childs alife not seeing their childs die. Many childrens die because of many reasons and in that reasons their parents are implicated. When parent dies you loose anything just the past of then but when their son dies they loose their future and their family chain and also kills the dreams of parents of seeing you as a proffesional. When a parent son dies parents fills that a part of them has been die also and it said that the dead of a son is the most intense grief known. Scientific said that child grief is a long and painful process that it affects more to the mother of the child than the father of the child.The death of child is not always the fault of their parents because it could be killed by any disease or an car accident or a nature death, But in some cases their is the fault of the child, like let in him alone in the car or not taking care of him as he deserve. A grief is a natural response to a loss like death of pet, losing your job,a relationship breakup, loosing financial and more. But the bigger loss is having one of your son dead. The grief has five stages: denial:he cant believe what happened to him. Anger: who is the blame and why is this happening. Bargaining: make that not to happend. Depression: the person is to tired to make anything. Acceptance: he accept what happend. Grief can be called more as a roller coaster because it full of ups and down.
Thier are many symptoms of grief like sadnees, guilt,anger, fear, and physical symptons. When a son yours die you should start by accepting that feeling sad, guilt, anger, fear is normal and would help you accept that your son is gone and you cannt do anything to bring him back. Lots of people had take their life because they cant support or live without your son so its important that you look for friends that could help you or a specialist doctor who could give you some medicine to maintain you stable. Other thing people make is getting stonger on his religion and telling about his problem to lot of people because he need to feel love by others also you should take care of yourself to forget what should be stay on the past.You shoul face your feeling and express then to you and other people.
People who pass by the death of a son had psychological effects like disbelive what happend, they dont accept what happend because it is really hard to accepted, people can know a person is dead but they still are expecting that they could still come back and reappear. People also feel sadness, is the most universaly symptom people have they fell very lonely, empty,sad and people also cry alot because they feel unstable. People also felt guilt about things that you didnt do, said or about things you could change, you could also feel guilty about things you could do to prevent the death of someone and their is nothing to do. They also feel anger with yourself, god, the doctors and all the people who was involved and also with the person who die because of letting him alone. People also feel fear, anxious, helpless and insecure. People could also have physical symptoms like nausea,weight loss or weigth gain, pains and insomnia. The wort of all is that people could felt in drugs to forget their pain and that would take him diretly to severous problems or his own death.
When should you look help imediatly. You should look for help when you feel life isnt worth living, wish you have die, when you blame youself for the death, are unable to perform your normal daily activites, are having difficult trusting others, all this is when you would need to look for help with someone who really know how to help you in the moment and in the future. Their is a different between grief and depression, a grief is a roller coaster that you have good days and bad days and a depression is constant.
Lot of women sufer when their son dies and it is know that 69% of women sufer more than mans when they loose a son, this could be because the son come from the bellie of the mothers so their are part of them and they are like connected when they are in and when they are older so that is why woman feel a undescriptable grief. The mother who kill his son because of any reason is not a normal human or a human because that means they dont have feelings or a hearth. When a mother loss a child he could pass that stress to his other childrens and she could be traumatized of giving birth to other childs. But this doent happend to all mothers just to few mothers, but the grief could be for the rest of your life until you die. Sometimes the parents of the childs could become crazy and loose all their money because of their crazyness and they could lived with hate to doctors, people and also god so in a moment they would take out all that hate in a negative way.
As a conclusion the most affected people when a child die is his or her parents and more his mother. This people could never stop suffering but most of the people get to lived accepting the true. So the grief of the death of a child is the most painful grief of all of types of grief and pain. I felt really grief when my son die and still i couldnt lived with my mine free, it could be because i was a divorce parent and my child was dead when he was 2 years old so i gave him lot of my love and he gave me lot of his love, we pass lot of fun time. R.I.P Julito Jr.
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