domingo, 25 de abril de 2010

6 Years old and his tantrums....


Hello, by this time julito jr, would be 6 years old and he would be strarting to ask for more things that he would likes, for example: toys, foods, magazines and etc... By this time childrens start to see more tv and to understand more the programs they see and acting more as the tv shows they see.
If he would have a tantrum in the airport and in front of everyone I would be sad and I would take him to the bathroom and talk with him about the consequences that he won with that attitude and their are punishment like not seeing tv, playing with his toys, sleeping with the light of his bedroom on and more.
What I would never make on a situation like that is giving him what he want because then he would understand that if he cries he would get want he wants. Also I would never ignore him and let him crying at the floor.
This is my opinion because julito jr. is dead and this could happend if and only he wasnt dead.

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